May 15, 2012

"Spring Break" By Timothy Keaney

Spring Break has always been seen as a time of craziness with partying, dancing, drinking and hopefully someone taking their clothes off.  College students work hard throughout the year, for the most part, and take on a good amount of stress.  Spring Break usually comes right before finals where students have that one last moment to relieve themselves from their stressful environment of school and are able to let lose however they feel.  I knew I was going away for Spring Break to Myrtle Beach with a group of my friends; so, why not document a Spring Break experience for my final project? I know my friends and I’ve seen them at their best and I’ve seen them at their worst so anything was possible. 
When the trip began I made sure everyone was okay with me photographing him or her and the only thing I said was to pretend the camera wasn’t there. For the most part that went well and everyone looked through me.
Throughout the trip the way everything was happening it appeared that the trip was planned out for a very relaxing and peaceful experience, just to get away for a while. The people I documented went to the beach almost every day, caught up on sleep, went out to eat, walked on the boardwalk and went to a club one night, unfortunately I couldn’t bring my camera in, and lightly drank throughout the time.  Nothing crazy! Just a peaceful relaxing time with friends.  Then I thought, the only craziness I really know about Spring Break is from movies and shows. So, I would say although I didn’t get an exciting outcome with my project, I did get a realistic documented experience that shows a different side of Spring Break. Maybe even a more accurate side.   

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